Group Pictures

August 15th, 2022: The Sibener Group celebrating Julia's graduation (from left to right): Sarah B, Blake, Michelle, Genevieve, Sarah W, Julia, Steve, Michael, Kevin, Josh, Jasper, Mark, Yue, and Caleb.

November 1st, 2019: The Sibener Group celebrating Darren's graduation (from left to right): Kevin N, Jacob, Ross, Ali, Rachael, Becca, Sarah W, Darren, Steve, Sarah B, Julia, and Kevin G

October 11th, 2019: The Sibener Group celebrating Ross' graduation (from left to right): Sarah B, Caleb, Jacob, Julia, Becca, Sarah W, Rachael, Steve, Ross, Ali, Michelle, Tim, Darren, Julia, Kevin, Steve, Jon, Ali, Michelle, Tim, and Kevin

January 24th, 2019: The Sibener Group celebrating Jon's graduation (from left to right): Jacob, Kevin G, Caleb, Sarah W, Becca, Ross, Steve, Sarah B, Jon, Julia, Rachael, Darren, Ali, Michelle, Jeff, and Tim

October 25th, 2017: The Sibener Group celebrating Kevin's graduation (from left to right): Jeff, Darren, Becca, Sarah B, Ross, Julia, Kevin, Steve, Jon, Ali, Michelle, Tim, Kevin, Zack Hund (former group member: faculty at University of Chicago Laboratory School), Dan Killelea (former group member: tenured faculty at Loyola University), and Jacob

Feb 2017: The Sibener Group celebrating Grant's graduation (from left to right): Tim, Alison, Jeff, Ellen, Becca, Julia, Kevin, Steve, Grant, Ross, Darren, Jon, Sarah B, Kevin, Jacob, Michelle, and Tim

June 2016: The Sibener Group celebrating Katherine's graduation (from left to right): Maria, Darren, Grant, Jeff, Becca, Jon, Tim, Steve, Kevin, Katherine, Tim, Kevin, Ross, Ellen, Sarah B, and Jacob

April 2015: The Sibener Group celebrating Steve's birthday (from left to right): Zack, Wenxin, Michelle, Kevin, Steve, Kevin, Grant, Darren, Jeff, Bryan, Jon, Ross, and Becca
Defense Pictures
Feburary, 2008: Miriam's Defense
The setup
The doctor and her family
first bottle of celebration
November, 2007: Amadou's Defense
July 19, 2005: Aaron's Defense
The spread
The toast
The spread (during) |
July 11, 2003: Bill's Defense
The spread
The graduate
The toast
The spread (after) |
June 24, 2002: Seth's Defense
The spread
The graduate
The toast
The spread (after) |
November 3, 2000: Ben's Defense
The spread
The graduate
The toast
The spread (after) |
July 20, 2000: Tom's Defense
 The spread
The graduate
The toast
The spread (after) |
May 11, 2000: Jongin's Defense
 The spread
The graduate
The toast |